Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A life lesson from my Daddy.

It has been forever and 54 dreams since i have posted here. I have been thinking a lot about somthing for the past few weeks. My daddy and the life lessons he teaches me. I have been thinking of one in paticular though. Not too long ago I sold my truck to my brother and had a car all lined up and ready to go. A friend had told me that his friend was selling her car and so we got in contact. I met up with her one day to just go over and look at the car with my daddy. Well it was a little rough around the edges looked great on the inside we started it up to here the engine and then talked to her about the price that she was selling checked it out on kelly blue book and asked her to come down from her $1800 to $1200. I told her I would call her later and come back by and see the car at her house. I went with a friend, I had the cash in hand and was ready to make the deal and had been told not to budge. So I didn't, niether did they the girls mom came out and the girl seemed very sweet from what we had seen so far there seemed to be no issues really with the car only a few minor details with the exterior and if you know me, you know I could really care less and sometimes I like it when my car has a little bit of personality to it. I got a call about 2 hours later saying she would take the deal and I could come pick it up tomorrow night. My mother and I went to her house to get the car the next night I was so excited I was so tired of my gas hog and just ready for somthing knew. I have her the money she gave me the keys. I started up the car and see my mom sitting in the car. She had run out of gas, so unfortanitley we would have to run back out to her house. I let the girl no and started to drive off. While driving away my mom said the car is really loud. I was annoyed because I didn't want any issues and I trusted the girl when she said there were no issues I told this to my mother and she asked my if I had test driven it. Well no, no my dumb self never thought to and hadn't been asked until just then and I was immediatiley mad at myself. I proceded to call the girl I had just bought the car from. She said it was a loud muffler and I believed her, why lie, why would someone lie? My mom immediatlley said there is no way that could be the muffler.

Lesson 1 out of this big lovely mess, don't be dumb test drive the freakin car.

Now I will fastforward and I get to the nest lesson I learned.

My daddy drove back out with me to pick up their car, when we got there I went to talk to the girl that sold me the car. She was a sweet girl, big smile, chatty and seemed very honest and sincere. I told her the issue and we talked about just trading back right then. She stated the car was a good car and stated I could either trade my money back for the car right then or I could take it to a shop tomorrow and if there were any major issues with it I could bring it back. I asked her to hang on while I went and talked to my daddy. My daddy said I should just take my money and go, that car felt so good and it had a radio and I simply wanted it though. I told her I would take it to the shop and if there were any issues we would trade it back the next day.

Lesson 2 listen to your parents 9 times out of 10 THEY ARE RIGHT!

Now I will fast forward and tell you that I took it the shop the next morning only to find out that the wheel bearing was all out of whack and worse than that a gas leak. OH JOY, this is the first moment I realized I should have just listened to my daddy but I was happy the girl had given me the out so I called her and she told me I could head out there and we could trade back.

My daddy went with me. We pulled up to the girls house and she wasn't outside, her parents were though, or I guess her mom and the mom's boyfriend I thought it was wierd that they hadn't helped the girl with any of this and I guess now they were going too.

They were both sitting there smoking their cigs. I walked up and told them about the deal the girl and I had, and that there were bigger issues with the car than I had been told. The man replied that the deal was sold as is while smoke poured out of his mouth with these words. Thats ok I thought she gave me her word. She hadn't been honest so I don't know why I exactly that her word would have mattered, but I also thought well surley her the adults leading her through life care that she be a woman of her word and dignity, even though I was stupid and I didn't listen to my parents hopefully there is nothing left for me to learn here, and they let me drive out her and waste gas, surely people are good, they wouldn't.

My dad spoke the deal again in soft bold quiet words. The words the man knew to be true. He said well you should have test driven it....EWWW burn he was right but people should be honest was all I kept thinking. My dad turned to me and said well you have a car. He was humble and walked away with dignity and honor and honesty. He walked away right as did I. I was irate and I had a million things I wanted to say to that man sitting there smoking the cigarette as I know did my daddy. I learned somthing from that moment more than any of these other lessons though.

Lesson 3 How lucky am I to have a dad who loves me enough to let me learn my lessons but still be there for me. My dad has taught me to be a woman of my word, to be honest. He has taught me how to live my life as a respected woman. Im not there yet by any means, im only 20 and I still think sometimes that I have all of the answers. Im so proud to have the daddy I have, he is there and always offering me advice and always there when I don't take it. My daddy does not fix things for me, he does better he gives me the tools and resources to fix my mistakes so I have learned the impact of a conciquence. My daddy has also taught me that concequences don't have to be bad, that they can be good but to know they always exist. My dad has taught me to love and embrace life and never use anything as a crutch but to use it as a tool to better myself.

Thank you dad for loving me enough not to take the easy way out and just fix things. I am so much better for the way you have taught me and loved me and so very lucky to have you as my dad. You are my favorite daddy and I promise you would be if I had 20 million more.